
Screenshot 2019-06-19 at 2.25.12 PMReal Name: Heidi Murray

Known Relatives: Drake and Elisa (parents)

Team Affiliation: None

Powers and Abilities: Heidi possesses the ability to expand her aura/presence considerably outside the normal limits (often meaning notably beyond her body), and can sense anything that happens inside her presence, and use her powers on anything within it. While within her aura, Heidi can direct it to crush or repel effects on objects or areas trapped within it, can use it to cause a target to be paralyzed by the pressure if trapped within it, and could even kill a target trapped within it.

First Appearance: The Society of Sister #34

History: Heidi had a normal childhood, despite having her genetic structure tampered with while in her mother’s room. When her powers began to develop in high school, Heidi practiced and perfected using them, and even made herself a costume, but she kept it and her abilities a secret from others (except her parents), and agreed not to be like others of her kind and play hero until she finished school and was 18 years-old. Heidi only recently graduated from school, so her future is now open for her to make her own decisions.

Appearance List:

  • EMPIRE #51X

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