Dragon of the Moon

MoondragonReal Name: Heather Douglas

Known Relatives: Arthur (aka Drax, father, deceased), Yvette Steckley (mother, deceased), Pamela Douglas (aka Sundragon, cousin)

Team Affiliation: None

Powers and Abilities: Heather Douglas is one of the most powerful human born telepaths ever. Her mental powers originate from her supreme level of mental discipline, hence her concentration and ability to focus on the accomplishment of that task. All of Heather’s mental processes are largely maintained subconsciously as the power and its effects will continue if she is rendered unconscious or falls asleep, but she must always consciously initiate the process for it to finish. She is also a telekinetic, a genius scientist, and a master martial artist.

First Appearance: White Lantern Zonya #73

History: When Heather Douglas was still a girl on Earth-M in the Outerverse, her father was driving her and her mother through the desert when they accidentally happened to see the spaceship land. The owner didn’t want any witnesses, so he blew their car up. Heather was thrown clear off and survived, but her parents were killed. She was found by the Eternal known as Mentor, who took her to his home world, Titan, to be raised by the Titanian Shao-Lorn monks in their monastery. While there, Heather studied the Titans’ ways and disciplines to unlock her latent psychic potential and gained her mental and physical powers. However, she came under the influence of a powerful entity called The Dragon of the Moon; she believed she had resisted it, which filled her with pride, and she took the name Moondragon as a result. Sometime later, the monastery was destroyed and the Shao-Lom monks were killed. Heather escaped in her spaceship and fled to Earth-M. Eventually, the God-Emperor destroyed the entire Earth-M multiverse and condensed it down to a single world with various domains containing the remnant of those who survived. Heather was made the regent of the Cult of the Moon domain, a peaceful, enlightened realm. She also fell in love with Phyla-Vell, the daughter of the late Captain Marvel.

Appearance List:


Disclaimer: Moondragon is the property and copyright of Marvel Comics, a Walt Disney company. The author received no payment for any stories taking place in the Sunburst Universe and the Outerverse, and their usage is for entertainment purposes only. The character variants and stories are by Andrew R. Burke.

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